Targeted Ads | Google Ads Services | Google Premier Partner
Whello marketing superpower

advertise your business on Google
reach your potential customers accurately

Set your own advertising budget. Pay only when your ads are getting clicked.

Aim precisely to your ideal customer. Your ads will appear when people search for relevant topics.

Advertise on Google effortlessly. Let Whello help you.

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Advertise on Google?
Increase your website traffic!

Millions of people are using Google every day. It’s a golden chance to make your business reach the ideal customer.

So, you need stand-out and run a well-tailored ads to optimize this opportunity.

Clueless how to do it? Let Whello help you.

Why advertise on Google with Whello?

  • Result-oriented
  • Google Certified Partner
  • Free consultation

Google Ads is a paid advertising feature that will appear on the first page of Google instantly.

Google Ads are super specific, measurable, and highly targeted at an affordable price.

Google Ads services on Whello are 30% of your Google Ads budget.

For example, if your Google Ads budget is IDR 5,000,000 per month, then Whello Google Ads services are: 30% x IDR 5,000,000 = IDR 1,500,000.

So, the total you have to pay to Whello = IDR 6,500,000 per month (excl 10% VAT).

The number of people who will see your ads will be directly proportional to the amount of ads budget you spend. The bigger your Ads budget, the more people will see your ads.

Please contact the Whello Ads team at WhatsApp number 082284783855 to find out the estimated number of viewers and clicks from your Google Ads.

If your Google Ads budget has not been used up in a month, then the remaining budget can be accumulated for the following month’s Google Ads budget.

Whello has a Google Partner certificate. Google Partner is a certificate given by Google to companies (businesses) that have met certain criteria to become Google partners. Companies that get this certificate are declared as companies that Google trusts in handling their clients in doing Google Ads.

By using Google Ads services from Whello, you don’t have to worry about Ads. Because we will set everything for you, including:

– Ads banner design (Diplay Ads)
– Keyword analysis
– Competitor analysis
– Copy text for Title & Description Ads
– Monthly Report


IDCopy adalah penyedia jasa pembelian berbagai akun premium seperti shutterstock, canva, envato, dan lain-lain. Ini sangat membantu bagi orang-orang yang ingin membeli item atau berlangganan akun premium tapi belum memiliki kartu kredit.

Untuk memaksimalkan bisnisnya, IDCopy ingin Whello membantu campaign dan SEO IDCopy. SEO berguna agar website IDCopy mudah ditemukan di search engine sementara campaign berguna untuk menjangkau customer lebih luas.

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Rating yang diberikan
customer Whello:

4.9 / 5

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One of our Great Partner. Whello. Pelayanan bagus, sabar dan meng-edukasi pelanggan maupun calon pelanggan. Sukses selalu Whello and Team
Service nya whello ga usah ditanya sih. The best from any agency I have ever met. Bukan cuma kerjain apa yg kita request tp jg kasih wise advice dan malahan kita yg dapet insight. Happy to work with Whello. Jg saya ga malu utk recommend whello k yg lain.
Whello have played both a large and incredibly positive role in the success of our company’s online ventures. Unlike other experiences in the past, their presentation, communication and reliability, in addition to meeting crucial deadlines, has always exceeded our company’s expectations.
Kami menggunakan jasa website development dari Whello. Untuk setiap detail yang kami butuhkan dapat dipenuhi oleh tim Whello. Service yang diberikan sangat memuaskan. Koordinasi dilakukan dengan sangat baik hingga pekerjaan pengembangan website dapat diselesaikan sampai tuntas, bahkan melebihi ekspektasi kami. Terima kasih Whello.
Kami menggunakan jasa website development dan SEO. Sangat puas dengan jasa yang diberikan dari awal hingga akhir. Merasa ter-personalisasi dengan kebutuhan kami dan selalu menawarkan respon/tanggapan/solusi yang cepat. SEO kami jd nomor 1 berkat guide dari Whello!
Saya suka dengan pelayanannya yang ramah. Pak Argo dapat memberikan konsultasi tentang digital marketing dengan baik dan sangat mudah dimengerti. Saran konkrit yang di berikan bisa langsung di terapkan. Sehingga saya sangat merekomendasikan untuk kalian yang juga ingin sukses di dunia digital! Sukses terus whello!
Whello membantu perkembangan bisnis kami selama 12 bulan terakhir, berawal dari problem web kami hilang dari SERP google. Kemudian dalam 3 bulan, problem ini di atasi. semoga Whello makin sukses. GBU.

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